Photo Journals
Many organisations recognise the achievements of employees and other stakeholders, by arranging incentive reward days or sometimes, several days.
Some believe that an employee with a decent camera can provide a good record of the occasion – and sometimes they’re right! Others know that a professional photographer with an instinct for what makes a good photo is well worth the investment.
One of our best clients in the last couple of years is Kleeneze, the network marketing company who will soon be celebrating 100 years in business. We’ve worked a lot with them, at their UK Showcase events and their incentive reward trips. Creating photo journals for them has taken us on trips to Paris, Madrid, Goa and Mumbai in the last 2 years. Our photos have been used to promote the business to potential new distributors and that number has grown from 8,000 to 13,000 over the last 2 years.
The week long overseas events are great, of course, but a local 1 day experience can provide an opportunity for promoting your business, as well as giving the beneficiaries of the day a fabulous professional record, which Seven Star will be more than happy to supply.
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